Gstake Tier 1

Gstake Tier 1 Staking Pool Overview

The Tier 1 Staking Pool offers limited capacity, accommodating a total of only 10 available spots. To secure a coveted position within the Tier 1 Pool, participants must commit to staking a minimum of 0.5% of the $GVC token supply (500,000 $GVC). This staked amount remains locked for a fixed duration of 1 year.

In scenarios where a participant desires to retrieve their staked tokens before the designated 1-year lock period concludes, they will encounter an early unlock penalty. This penalty amounts to 20% of the total number of tokens being unlocked. The tokens deducted as a penalty will be sent to the Incinerator pool, where they will be burned manually, according to a predetermined schedule.

This comprehensive framework ensures the stability and unwavering commitment of participants within the Tier 1 Pool, while concurrently offering an avenue for early withdrawal, albeit with a corresponding penalty.

Benefits for Gstake Tier 1 Staking Pool Participants:

1. Assured Allocation in Private IDO Pools: Participants belonging to the Gstake Tier 1 Staking Pool relish the exclusive advantage of being guaranteed an allocation within the Private Initial DEX Offering (IDO) pools. This elevated access serves to enrich possibilities for early investments in promising projects.

2. Bonus Tokens upon Successful Participation: As a sincere gesture of acknowledgment, participants who effectively engage within the Tier 1 Staking Pool will receive additional bonus tokens. This supplementary reward aptly acknowledges their dedication and active involvement in the platform's ecosystem.

3. Enhanced Allocation Ticket Size: Distinguished Tier 1 participants enjoy an amplified allocation ticket size when compared to other tiers. This preferential treatment notably augments their potential for participation in diverse offerings and events hosted by the platform.

4. Share of Overall Profits: Participants in the Tier 1 Staking Pool are entitled to a proportionate share of the platform's collective profits. This innovative revenue-sharing mechanism ensures that participants directly reap the benefits arising from the platform's accomplishments and expansion, harmonizing their interests with the platform's milestones.

Engagement within the Gstake Tier 1 Staking Pool not only secures these advantageous perks but also contributes to a more enriching and rewarding ecosystem for all participants involved.

Last updated