How to buy $GVC

How to Buy $GVC Token on PancakeSwap

If you're looking to buy $GVC tokens, which run on the Binance Smart Chain, follow these steps to make your purchase on PancakeSwap

Step 1: Set Up MetaMask

  • Make sure you have the MetaMask browser extension installed and set up.

  • Open MetaMask and ensure you're connected to the Binance Smart Chain network.

Step 2: Get BNB

  • Purchase BNB (Binance Coin) from a reputable cryptocurrency exchange.

  • Withdraw the BNB to your MetaMask wallet address.

Step 3: Access PancakeSwap

  • Open your web browser and navigate to

  • Click on the "Connect" button at the top right corner and choose MetaMask from the options.

Step 4: Swap BNB for $GVC

  • On the PancakeSwap interface, click the "Trade" button.

  • In the "From" section, select BNB.

  • In the "To" section, manually paste the $GVC token contract address.

  • You can find the $GVC contract address on the official website or a trusted source.

  • Adjust the amount of BNB you want to swap for $GVC.

  • Click "Swap" and review the transaction details.

  • Confirm the transaction in MetaMask and wait for the confirmation on the blockchain.

Step 5: View Your $GVC Balance

  • Once the transaction is confirmed, you'll see your $GVC balance in your MetaMask wallet.

  • You can also verify your $GVC balance on BSCScan ( by searching for your wallet address.

Please exercise caution while interacting with DeFi platforms and double-check the contract addresses and sources to avoid scams. Ensure that the links you're using are genuine and not phishing sites.

Last updated