How to set up a wallet

Setting up MetaMask and Adding Binance Smart Chain

Step 1: Install MetaMask

  • Go to MetaMask's official website:

  • Download and install the MetaMask extension for your browser.

  • Create a new MetaMask wallet by following on-screen instructions and secure your recovery seed phrase.

Step 2: Access Your Wallet

  • Open MetaMask by clicking its icon in your browser's toolbar.

  • If using MetaMask for the first time, follow the introductory prompts.

Step 3: Add Binance Smart Chain

  • In MetaMask, click the account icon at the top right (circle with initials/avatar).

  • Choose "Settings" from the account menu.

Step 4: Add Network

  • Scroll down in "Settings" to find "Networks."

  • Click "Add Network" to add Binance Smart Chain manually.

Step 5: Network Details

Step 6: Save and Switch

  • Save by clicking "Save" to add Binance Smart Chain network.

  • Return to MetaMask, now switch between Ethereum Mainnet and Binance Smart Chain.

Step 7: Add BNB to Wallet

  • Ensure BSC network is selected to view BSC wallet balance.

  • Click "Add Token."

  • Choose "Custom Token" and input BNB contract address: 0xbb4CdB9CBd36B01bD1cBaEBF2De08d9173bc095c.

  • MetaMask auto-fills token details.

  • Click "Next" and "Add Tokens" to include BNB in your wallet.

Ready to Go! You've added Binance Smart Chain to MetaMask, along with BNB tokens. Your MetaMask wallet is now ready to interact with DApps and manage BSC assets.

Remember to use official sources to avoid scams when setting up wallets and networks.

Last updated